One of the PW-Sat 2 payload equipment will be two cameras. They will let us to take photos of what see our satellite. One camera, directed on our planet, will take photos of the surface of Earth. It will be great occasion to show You amazing images of our beautiful, Blue Planet. The second camera will allow us to observe the opening of the deorbitation sail. Thanks to this we will know how our concept of deorbiting system has worked, has the sail opened properly and works correctly.

Sail camera prototype
In our project we want to use board cameras. They are small, lightweight, have simple optical system and good resolution parameters. These cameras use CCD or CMOS matrix placed on printed circuit board. Images saved in the on-board memory will be send to Earth during next communication session with the satellite. The image data are much bigger than i.e. telemetric data, so to send good quality pictures to Earth we have to provide quite fast communication link for data transmission. It may be quite complicated, but it’s worth taking first photos of Earth from board of polish satellite!
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