Phase B is nearly finished and all teams are working very hard in order to meet the deadlines. But thanks to this, we estimate that the actual phase will be finished at the end of March.
The progress is proceeding smoothly forward. Many teams have already finished their work and started writing the documentation. Few others are still in the middle of their work – unfortunately, this is the nature of the sequence of the project progress. Nonetheless, the most important achievements of this phase are:
- Design of new shape of the pin and solar panels hinges
- During most recent tests we managed to fold the sail – of an area equal to 4m2 – to the diameter of 90mm!
- Design of the Sun sensor prototype and its test stand
- Design of the electric power system (EPS) and on-board computer (OBC) – software is still under development
- We managed to register the radio wave frequency which we will use to communicate with PW-Sat2!
- New satellite structure design was created due to the constantly changing requirements of other components. It is the main reason why configuration team is still struggling with its tasks
- Also new thermal model was prepared together with the first analysis – the risk is quite low, but unfortunately not for all possible cases!
- Additionally, a statistical analysis of the sail influence over time of deorbitation was conducted – we have high hopes 🙂
We have already in plans further tests and development of the already existing designes and prototypes, although they are estimated for phase C.
Additionally, PW-Sat2 team is very active in media and educational field. During last few months we were invited to the Radio ‘Czwórka’, Radio ‘Kampus’ and ‘Radio dla Ciebie’. There were also few articles about the project in mainsteam newspaper. We also organized few lectures for middle school, high school and even university. Thanks to the mentioned activities, the number of team members increased twice (!) and we obtained support of many private companies!
See you at the end of phase B!