Prace nad żaglem deorbitacyjnym PW-Sata2 w cleanroomie Laboratorium Centralnego CEZAMAT PW. For. PW-Sat2

Works on one of the prototypes of the PW-Sat2 deorbit sail in a cleanroom at CEZAMAT PW. Credit:PW-Sat2/SKA

The Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering (WUT) where the PW-Sat2 project is being conducted started a cooperation with The Center for Advanced Materials and Technology CEZAMAT. The agreement signing allowed us to start process of satellite components integration and tests in one of the cleanrooms of Cezamat PW. Over the next few months we will carry out the individual tests of satellite modules and the final integration of the PW-Sat2 flight model.

The Central Laboratory of CEZAMAT PW is one of the largest investments in Poland in the field of high-tech research and development. Co-funded by the European Union, the project envisages the establishment of the network of five laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art R&D tools. Laboratories of the Center will allow to carry out new marketable technologies with commercial potential which are supposed to contribute to economic development. The new cooperation allowed us to move the development of the most vulnerable and demanding satellite components to one of the cleanrooms – the place with controlled very low level of air contamination. All the mechanical and electronic subsystems that will make the final satellite (so called flight model) must be kept in monitored and supervised environmental conditions. Moreover, the significant size of the PW-Sat2 deorbit sail (unfolded spans 2 × 2 m) and relatively large number of components it was necessary to find spacious place for upcoming works.

Członkowie projektu PW-Sat2 w cleanroomie Cezamat PW.

PW-Sat2 project members in Cezamat PW cleanroom. Credit: PW-Sat2/SKA

The upcoming months are going to be very intensive for our team. Currently, the individual tests of engineering and flight models  of PW-Sat2 components are carried out. Those are for instance mechanical and vibration tests in Institute of Aviation, development and tests of flatsat (satellite assembled in one large plate) in Space Research Centre of Polish Academy of Sciences, on-board software development and tests together with Future Processing, and ground station software development along with Softwaremill. The outcome of these works will be a final test campaign of the satellite engineering model and the ultimate flight model that will be launched on board Falcon 9 rocket.

Członkowie projektu PW-Sat2 (zespół Deployment Team) podczas prac nad wersją inżynieryjną żagla deorbitacyjnego. Fot. PW-Sat2

Members of the PW-Sat2 Deployment Team with the deorbit sail prototype . Credit: PW-Sat2/SKA